Litter Media

Beneficial news you can use – Finding the good in our communities


Presented by McDonald’s, I’m Lovin’ It!

A LITTER MEDIA THROWBACK: Our video tour of the new Chillicothe Intermediate Elementary School (for Grades 3-6) which opened after Christmas Break in January of 2019.

Thanks to CCSD School Board President Steve Mullins for the follow up tour to a video from earlier in 2018 and to former Superintendent Jon Saxton for the initial view of the elementary buildings in April of 2018.

This was the completion of a long journey for Chillicothe City Schools, with the concept for its entire district construction phases beginning in 2002. Now, concept has become reality top to bottom for Grades K-12. Chillicothe truly has something to take pride in for generations to come.

Here are links to other Litter Media videos produced during the elementary constructions:

Chillicothe Primary and Intermediate Schools During Construction:

Chillicothe Intermediate Tour During Construction:

Chillicothe Primary Tour: