Beery & Lute Receive Ross County Historical Society Nolan Scholarship Recipients
Article presented by Tomlinson Insurance Agency …
The Ross County Historical Society, Scholarship and Education Committee has announce its two choices for the 2024 Nolan Scholarship. Each recipient will receive $2,500 which will be paid directly to the recipients’ college or university of choice.
Sarah Lute is the daughter of James and Kimberly Lute of Chillicothe, Ohio. At Huntington High School, she is President of the National Honor Society and Spanish Club. She is a four-year member of the drama club, and a seven-year member of the concert, marching and pep bands. She has participated in cross country and track for six years. Outside of school, she has been a member of her youth group at First Wesleyan Church as well as a member of the Pursuit Student Ministries leadership team. She is one of two remaining members of her Girl Scout troop and the only member that has been a part of it since its inception 13 years ago. She is also a thirteen year member of her 4-H club and has been its president for ten years. In the fall, she will attend Muskingum University where she will pursue a degree in Environmental Science to eventually become an environmental attorney.
Nora Beery is the daughter of Brian and Sadie Beery of Frankfort. In addition to excelling in her academic work at Adena High School where she a member of the National Honor Society, she was field commander of the marching band, participated in track and powerlifting, was a MADE Ambassador, theater club member, pep and concert band member, Business Professionals of America member, and captain of the Quiz Team. Outside of school she is a member of the Calvary Lutheran Church bell choir, president of her 4-H Club, President of the Junior Fair Board, Secretary of 4-H Junior Leaders, and a member of the Food and Fashion Board. She plans to attend The Ohio State University where she will pursue a degree in Education to become a teacher.
The scholarships were presented at the Ross County Historical Society’s Annual Business Meeting April 22nd.