Litter Media

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Former Bishop Flaget Student Promotes OSU Power In Neuroscience Olympiad

2019 National Spelling Bee

Presented By Atomic Speedway

Bishop Flaget Middle School graduate and now Dublin Jerome High School junior Hunter (Nilla) Rajan is promoting the Power In Neuroscience Olympiad, which is a competition surrounding neuroscience exclusively for high school students.

In an email to Litter Media, Hunter says this is a great opportunity for students to get involved in.

“Since the Brain Bee is not happening this year, this competition is meant to replace it; honestly, I think this is a great opportunity for any and all students interested in neuroscience. Once students register they will have access to the reading materials and will receive information about the competition from the organizing committee.”

Many in our area might remember Hunter’s 2019 Spelling Bee success which took the local student all the way to the National Spelling Bee in Washington DC.

2019 National Spelling Bee