Hocking State Forest Fall Color Tour
Presented By Classic Brands
(Columbus) – Families will have a chance to soak up prime fall color during this year’s Hocking State Forest Fall Color Tour on Saturday, Oct. 23. The event, hosted by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Forestry, is free and will provide plenty of fun for the entire family in the beautiful setting of Hocking State Forest.
“We are pleased to give visitors the opportunity to learn about Ohio’s forests under a canopy of fall foliage,” said David Parrott, fall color forester with the ODNR Division of Forestry. “Foresters and other natural resources professionals are ready to explain the science and history behind the management of one of Ohio’s greatest resources— our forestland.”
The Hocking State Forest Fall Color Tour event runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. It features wagon tours around the state forest highlighting tree identification, natural oak regeneration, forest practices to encourage healthy tree growth and wildlife habitat, tips for woodland owners, threats to the Hocking region’s hemlock trees and successful efforts to preserve them, invasive species control, and much more. The event also includes displays, refreshments, chainsaw demonstrations, and wildfire fighting equipment.
The tour begins at the historic Hocking State Forest Cabin, located at 19275 State Rt. 374, Rockbridge, OH 43149. A vehicle parking area is available at the site. For more information, contact Hocking State Forest Manager David Glass at (740) 385-4402.