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New State Initiative Grants Free Volunteer Firefighter Training

Article Presented By McDonald’s…

(Columbus) – Recommendations to improve the volunteer fire service in Ohio are underway with much more to come by the end of the year. One of the budget items and key initiatives to come out of the Governor’s Volunteer Fire Service Task Force is the waiver of all the State Fire Marshal Ohio Fire Academy fees for volunteer firefighters. This initiative ensures volunteer firefighters have free access to a vast array of training resources.

“As the State Fire Marshal, I am proud to witness Ohio’s commitment to our volunteer firefighters,” said Marshal Kevin Reardon. “The decision to waive all State Fire Academy fees shows this dedication to providing support for those who safeguard our communities.”

In April 2022, Gov. DeWine convened the task force to examine Ohio’s volunteer fire service. This initiative, led by the Ohio Department of Commerce and chaired by State Fire Marshal Kevin Reardon, consisted of elected officials and firefighters representing regions from every corner of the state. Their findings noted the need for affordable training for Ohio’s volunteer fire service.

“We embrace this step towards equipping our volunteer firefighters with the best possible training,” Jack Smith, Bureau Chief and Superintendent for the Ohio Fire Academy said. “By extending free access to a wide spectrum of courses – whether on campus, online, hybrid, or through regional delivery – we are ensuring that every volunteer firefighter has a chance to enhance their skills and knowledge.” 

To take advantage of this opportunity for free training, prospective firefighters are urged to contact their local volunteer fire department. In addition, many volunteer fire department opportunities are listed on the website Those interested in joining the fire service can

search for fire department opportunities near their homes.

In addition to the elimination of fees at the Ohio Fire Academy, Governor Mike DeWine  included several additional recommendations in his Executive Budget which were later incorporated into the legislative budget last month. Those items include:

  • Hire a full-time volunteer coordinator within the Division of State Fire Marshal.
  • Develop series of volunteer firefighter recruitment PSAs.
  • Update and expand current training IT system. 
  • Increase firefighter I/II and equipment grants. 
  • In partnership with Ohio’s Bureau of Worker Compensation, broaden eligibility for its Firefighter Exposure to Environmental Elements Grants to include emergency response “turnout” gear for local volunteer fire departments.

“These initiatives signify a significant leap towards equipping our volunteers with comprehensive support, reinforcing their crucial role in ensuring public safety,” Reardon said. “With these improvements, we are not just breaking down barriers; we are constructing a solid foundation for excellence in firefighting across Ohio.”

The work of the task force continues with several proposals needing further legislative support and endorsement, while others call for adjustments within current programs overseeing firefighter training and support. Additional recommendations of note include:

• Implementation of a length of service awards program.

• Provision of tuition vouchers for higher education.

• Introduction of a state income tax credit.

• Local property tax abatement.

• Introduction of live-in programs.

• Overhaul of training curriculum.

• Launch of a volunteer cadet program.

See the full report and for more on the Volunteer Fire Service Task Force and its mission, visit the State Fire Marshal’s website at