Ohio Supreme Court Declines to Hear Appeal on Newark Moundbuilders Country Club Case
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(Columbus) – The Ohio Supreme Court has declined to hear the appeal of the Moundbuilders Country Club in Newark that clears the way for a valuation trial to determine how much the Ohio History Connection would have to pay to take the golf course by imminent domain.

When the trial begins over the value of Moundbuilders Country Club’s lease on the Octagon Mounds, the country club won’t have any witnesses since a lower court ruling in Licking County found in a pretrial ruling against all expert testimony provided by the country club’s witnesses about the valuation. The Ohio 5th District Court of Appeals declined to hear the appeal as did the Ohio Supreme Court.
The remaining issue is how much Ohio History Connection must pay Moundbuilders to buy out the lease, which runs until 2078.
Ironically, the state high court’s decision comes during World Heritage Week.