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Beneficial news you can use – Finding the good in our communities

Older Americans Month

Photo Courtesy of Word Press

Presented By Atomic Speedway

(Columbus) — May is Older Americans Month. The 2021 theme for Older Americans Month, established by the U.S. Administration for Community Living, is “Communities of Strength.” 

Communities of Strength

Ohio has more than 2.8 million residents age 60 or older, who account for nearly one quarter (24.3%) of our total population. Older Ohioans are a key source of our state’s strength, drawing on lifetimes of experiences, successes, difficulties, and resilience. Ohio is rich in this respect.

In tough times, communities find strength in their people and people find strength in their communities. Over the past year, we have seen friends, neighbors, and businesses come together in unprecedented and often unexpected ways to support one another. 

Strength is built and shown not only by bold acts, but also small ones of day-to-day life shared with one another. When people of different ages, backgrounds, abilities, and talents share experiences—through action, story, or service—we help build strong communities. 

To go along with celebrating our senior population, the state of Ohio urges safety in the home-place as most Ohioans prefer to stay in their own homes and communities for as long as possible. However, as we age, our physical and social needs can change, and our homes that have kept us safe for so long may no longer be appropriate for our current situation. Sometimes, only minor changes are needed to make your home safe again.

Home maintenance, repair and modification services help older Ohioans preserve existing property values and make structural modifications or repairs necessary to help them live safely.

  • Home maintenance includes a variety of critical routine services, such as inspecting furnaces and water heaters, fixing or replacing torn window screens or broken panes, or replacing electrical fuses.
  • Home repairs include repair or installation of heating and air conditioning equipment; minor plumbing or electrical repair; repair or replacement of gutters, shingles, flashing or other roofing; and repairs to eliminate holes or other hazards in flooring or stairs.
  • Home modification makes the physical environment more functional and accessible, enabling people with disabilities to perform daily activities with greater independence. Examples include building ramps, widening doorways, installing grab bars and other assistive devices.

Funding for these services comes from a combination of public and private funding and local resources. Work is provided by licensed contractors and others.

Contact your area agency on aging to learn about Older Americans Month activities in your community as well as safety tips for their homes.


Ohio is fostering communities of strength by creating opportunities to share stories, learn from each other, and celebrate connections and resilience. There are many things we all can do to nurture ourselves, reinforce our strength, and continue to thrive. We want to hear your story! 

Submit your #StoriesOfStrength