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Pickaway Museum To Feature History of The County’s Law Enforcement

Presented By Classic Brands

(Circleville) – Pickaway County’s law enforcement history will be the theme of an open house presented by the Pickaway County Historical & Genealogical Library.

A big part of that history celebrates the 90 years that the Radcliff Family held the sheriff’s office over three generations.

The dynasty began in the early 1930’s when Charles Radcliff served between 1931-1961. After a four year absence of Radcliffs in the sheriff’s office, Dwight Radcliff was elected in 1964 and took office in January 1965 where he became the longest serving sheriff in the nation, holding onto the office until his retirement in 2013. Dwight was re-elected 12 times. His son, Robert B. Radcliff, succeeded him as the newly elected Sheriff from 2012–2020.

During the open house located at 210 North County Street in Circleville they will have on display information and photos of the three generations of Sheriffs along with information on previous sheriffs, and photos of local businesses and people from your past.

The open house is Sunday, April 24th from 1pm to 4 pm. During the event tours of the collection of history throughout the building will be available including items that are not usually seen by the public. Refreshments will be served.