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Ross Commissioners Receive Update On Scenic River Designation

Acres of corn in the bed of the Paint Creek Valley from Jones Levee Road near US 50, mostly shaded by the sun descending behind the hills. In the distance, rays are still reaching the tree line of Paint Creek. Photo by Dan Ramey/Litter Media

Presented By Atomic Speedway

Photo Courtesy of the Ohio Wild & Scenic Rivers Program

The Ross County Commissioners have received updates from officials with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources on a proposal to designate Paint Creek and its tributaries as a scenic river.

The designation emphasizes the creek running up to Paint Creek Dam, along with the 30+ mile long North Fork Creek. A recent addition would include Rocky Fork along with Rattlesnake Fork and Paint Creek to the Fayette County line.

Officials said they want to address concerns some creekside property owners have, including the designation to make sure it doesn’t infringe upon their property rights. They claim it restricts government actions within the one thousand foot corridor on the streams, such as bridge and road work.

Another concern from landowners has been that ODNR can not directly control the drinking, litter and bad behavior from increased boat traffic.

Roarke For more information or to address concerns about the designation, contact Aaron Roarke at (614) 230-8534 or email to