Time Falls Back November 5th at 2am
Article Presented By Scioto Valley Dumpsters, LTD…
Standard Time returns November 5th, as the days continue to get shorter as we approach Winter, and the end of Daylight Savings Time for 2023. Be sure to set your clocks back one hour prior to retiring Saturday night or when the time change officially begins at 2am Sunday, November 5th.
There have been serious discussions in Congress and at the Statehouse levels in the nation, about doing away with the back-and-forth time changes.
Ohio State Representative Rodney Creech introduced a bill urging Congress to make Daylight Savings Time permanent. The bill is still pending. Creech filed a similar bill in 2021, where it passed the House but died in the Senate.
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, brought forth the Sunshine Protection Act of 2023, which would make daylight saving time permanent, effective in November. While the bill received bipartisan support in the Senate, it was referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and has remained there ever since.
So, in the meantime, stay on time by setting your clocks back one hour at the appropriate time.
While tending to your clocks, this is also a good time to change the batteries in your home smoke alarms.
State Fire Marshal Kevin Reardon urges all Ohioans to check their home’s smoke alarms regularly and replace when expired. “We see the life-saving impact properly functioning smoke alarms can have when the worst happens,” Reardon said. “Working smoke alarms save lives, cutting your risk of dying in a house fire in half.”
Along with making sure all smoke alarms have a fresh set of batteries, checking the expiration date is crucial in early fire detection. To find out how old a smoke alarm is, as well as its expiration date, simply look on the back of the alarm where the date of manufacture is marked. The smoke alarm should be replaced 10 years from that date. Any alarms with a manufacture date of 2013 or earlier should be replaced.