Kiwanis 2024 Statehood Day Spirit of Ohio Nominations Open
Article Presented By Hometown-Motors, Inc…
The Chillicothe Kiwanis Club is looking for nominations for their 2024 Statehood Day Achievement Award.
Each year Chillicothe Kiwanis Club recognizes an outstanding area resident that best represents the “SPIRIT OF OHIO”. The citizen is someone who has advanced the ideals of the brotherhood of mankind, community service endeavors, love of family and youth, concern for the beauty of the region and spiritual growth of the soul. The committee considers the nominee’s contributions to society, accomplishments of the nominee in his or her field of endeavor, and overall accomplishments.
If you would like to nominate someone for consideration, submit your nomination letter to:
Statehood Day Nomination c/o Christy Simmons, President
230 N. Plaza Blvd. Chillicothe, Ohio 45601
Applications are due by Friday, February 9, 2024.